The walk from "No" to "Yes"- William Ury

About this talk: William Ury depicts a simple way to deal with negotiations and to create agreement between people.
About the presentator:
Willam Ury
- a mediator, writer and speaker
- work with complicated conflicts such as family feuds, boardroom battles and ethnic wars.
- served as a negotiation adviser and mediator in conflicts ranging from corporate mergers to wildcat strikes in a Kentucky coal mine to ethnic wars in the Middle East, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union.
About the presentation: At first when I looked at the title, I have no idea what it was about. So by curiosity, I clicked in thinking that I will just watch the first few minutes of this then I will move on to something else. However, something caught my attention. It was the introduction story of his presentation. It is so cool and because of that interesting story, I even asked my sister to watch the talk with me. The story went like this...There was a father who had three sons. When he died, he left 17 camels for his three son. The first son can get 1/2, the second 1/3 and the last one 1/9. But there was a problem. 17 doesn't divide by 2, 3 or 9. Three sons argued because they couldn't come up with an agreement. Therefore, they went and consulted an old wise women. The women thought of the problem for a long time, and finally she said, "Well, the least I can do is to give you my camel." Now, three brothers had 18 camels. 18 divided by 2 is 9. The first son got 9 camels. The second son got 6 camels, because 18 divided by 3 is 6. Lastly, the third son got 2 camels because 18 divided by 9 is 2. Ultimately, only 17 camels were taken. They gave that one camel back to the wise woman. I think this story is telling us that by taking a step back, everything will become clearer. Basically what Ury is trying to demonstrate throughout the presentation is some simple, but not easy, ways to deal with conflicts. For example, he showed the audience that there are multiple sides to one subject, don't get restrained by one or two perspectives to things and try to look at things from a third party. Moreover, he mentioned that everyone should change from hostility to hospitality, from terrorism to tourism, and everyone should take the Abraham path. Finally he ended the presentation with a quote which I found really interesting, that is "When spiderwebs unite, they can halt even the lion," this shows us that everyone of us can bring the world a step closer to peace just by taking the third side. It is not easy, but it's possible and it depends simply on us!
One idea or image you will take away:
When I look at things now, I will try to push myself to think about the third side and to take a step back and look at things as a whole. By doing that, I can prevent myself getting stuck in my own little world.
One single word that best describes this talk:
Willam Ury
- a mediator, writer and speaker
- work with complicated conflicts such as family feuds, boardroom battles and ethnic wars.
- served as a negotiation adviser and mediator in conflicts ranging from corporate mergers to wildcat strikes in a Kentucky coal mine to ethnic wars in the Middle East, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union.
About the presentation: At first when I looked at the title, I have no idea what it was about. So by curiosity, I clicked in thinking that I will just watch the first few minutes of this then I will move on to something else. However, something caught my attention. It was the introduction story of his presentation. It is so cool and because of that interesting story, I even asked my sister to watch the talk with me. The story went like this...There was a father who had three sons. When he died, he left 17 camels for his three son. The first son can get 1/2, the second 1/3 and the last one 1/9. But there was a problem. 17 doesn't divide by 2, 3 or 9. Three sons argued because they couldn't come up with an agreement. Therefore, they went and consulted an old wise women. The women thought of the problem for a long time, and finally she said, "Well, the least I can do is to give you my camel." Now, three brothers had 18 camels. 18 divided by 2 is 9. The first son got 9 camels. The second son got 6 camels, because 18 divided by 3 is 6. Lastly, the third son got 2 camels because 18 divided by 9 is 2. Ultimately, only 17 camels were taken. They gave that one camel back to the wise woman. I think this story is telling us that by taking a step back, everything will become clearer. Basically what Ury is trying to demonstrate throughout the presentation is some simple, but not easy, ways to deal with conflicts. For example, he showed the audience that there are multiple sides to one subject, don't get restrained by one or two perspectives to things and try to look at things from a third party. Moreover, he mentioned that everyone should change from hostility to hospitality, from terrorism to tourism, and everyone should take the Abraham path. Finally he ended the presentation with a quote which I found really interesting, that is "When spiderwebs unite, they can halt even the lion," this shows us that everyone of us can bring the world a step closer to peace just by taking the third side. It is not easy, but it's possible and it depends simply on us!
One idea or image you will take away:
When I look at things now, I will try to push myself to think about the third side and to take a step back and look at things as a whole. By doing that, I can prevent myself getting stuck in my own little world.
One single word that best describes this talk:
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